In this COVID era, we are facing a lot of difficulties in the form of Unemployment, Employment and Workforce Engagement to sustain during this scenario. Where many companies are being shutdown and new startups are trying to survive. HR need to play an important role both during this COVID phase as well as post COVID.

Most of the organizations have started to focus on scenarios for planning and taking necessary operational responses to ensure business continuity post-COVID-19. Organizations need to focus on building Communication, Trust & Transparency related to the coronavirus pandemic to restore productivity and deliver on employee experience.


As the economy enters a new phase, post-Covid, the role of HR will also expand substantially. With the lockdown affecting various sectors, increments and promotions are being deferred and HR must step up to ensure employee understanding and satisfaction. Employees will need up-skilling and re-skilling to ensure they are prepared for the current scenario. Critical hiring will continue to be in focus, with more focus on digital medium of hiring and onboarding.

Utmost importance will be placed on hiring and maintaining talent with the appropriate attitude. Ensuring that the new joiners share the organization’s values and have a culture match will be necessary to boost productivity and satisfaction.

As the role of HR becomes extremely critical in the post-Covid era, it is imperative that the Human Resource teams possess in-depth and expansive knowledge of the function, remain agile and aligned with the organization’s culture, and are willing to go the extra mile at this time for the employee. Most important, this is the time when HR managers will need to keep themselves aligned across the industry and stay motivated themselves to enable the organization to come back to some sort of normalcy soon.

The biggest change or trigger for change that the entire world is experiencing right now is the Covid-19 crisis. It has certainly affected the way we live and work. There is literally 180 degrees turn.

No organization has been left untouched by the impact of Covid-19. Organizations have to make a lot of adjustments to their business plans and the way of working post-COVID-19. They need engaged employees more than ever to get through this challenging period. The employees might struggle with feelings of uncertainty, isolation, not being in the know, and more. Thus, the Role of Change Agents that is of the HR professionals becomes crucial in this scenario. With social distancing being implemented and practiced, it is difficult to have standard methods of process, policies & engagements leading to a new challenge for HR professionals.

Considering all these challenges into account, the human resources are going to be the lifeline of any organization and they need to handle this post-Covid situation with utmost care and diligence. Above all, these challenges revolve mostly around People Aspect of this Global Pandemic and we can see a transformational shift in HR role post-Covid.

The need for remote working would grow the demand for automation and collaboration tools and increase the shift to cloud computing. It is imperative to keep employees motivated and enthused to achieve this future together. In these times, human resources (HR) department is tasked with ensuring adequate enablement and engagement of teams while also preparing for some hard decisions.


The organizations which were prepared for the work from home were better equipped to deal with the nationwide situation without any significant impact on productivity. The HR department of every organization has been in the frontline, leading the efforts to facilitate employees. In situations like these, HR, in addition to handling the business requirements, is also responsible for managing concerns and apprehensions of their employees.

As the initial chaos settles, HR has to step up and support their employees and prioritize their mental and emotional wellbeing. These unprecedented times can induce anxiety and raise the stress levels of a person, and the onus is on the employers to channel these emotions in order to keep their employees safe, motivated, and productive.

HR has so far been more of a service delivery function. Going forward the role of HR will need to be more agile so as to respond to employee needs quickly, communicate fast-changing HR policies clearly, and become an enabler of efficient two-way communication between employees and management.

HR will need to balance the human side and the digital side of the workforce. There will definitely be an increase in employees preferring remote working and virtual business interactions are going to become the new normal. As a result, the role of HR as an enabler will become even more prominent – this includes upskilling the WFH employees so that they work as or perhaps more efficiently than before, designing and implementing policies that ensure business continuity, keeping employees motivated when working from home. In addition, they will have to be provided flexibility in work hours as employees take care of children taking classes online as schools may not open immediately, or have to look after aging parents, yet another vulnerable age group.

Apart from managing WFH employees, HR will also face the challenge of building robust and integrated teams remotely. It will be HR’s added responsibility to make sure the teams remain engaged without meeting face-to-face or resorting to team building activities in the physical office space.


Many HR activities will be done remotely – recruitment, onboarding, training, and development, etc.

Yes! Remote work culture is here to stay

Now the organizations are realizing the fact that they can function through this model as well. This kind of culture will be followed in many organizations post covid-19 crisis as well. And there’s no harm in doing so, as gig economy is already on a rise.

The new ways of doing work will pose new challenges for the HR department.

Certain questions that need to be addressed are:

1)    How to monitor and enforce attendance?

2)    How will the job descriptions change to accommodate the part-time or full-time remote work?

3)    How to keep a check on the productivity of employees?

4)    How the whole performance management will be impacted?

5)    What about those jobs which cannot be done in a work-from-home setting?


Apart from these, HR now needs to be more focused on the well-being of the employees. It will become an important aspect of HR functions. Checking on the employees if they are under stress or facing any other issues which is hampering their productivity will definitely be a part of the priority list even after things return to a new normal.

Maintaining the Culture of the organization

It is the culture of an organization which attracts us to it and choosing one organization over the other. Leadership is the most important aspect of any business that drives its culture.

Culture is what binds the entire organizations together and gives its employees a sense of purpose in their work.

But maintaining the organization’s culture in the time of crisis is a big challenge. With the dispersed workforce, this becomes even more challenging.

Leaders along with the HR is required to keep in touch with the employees to boost their morale. Regular communication, engagement and commitment towards the culture is something which needs to be done to deal effectively with the crisis situation.

Paying attention to the organization’s culture and instilling the same in the employees will help the organization in the long run.

Acquiring and retaining talent

Laying off huge number of employees due to onset of pandemic and low profits is a pain area for many organizations.

Once the situation is somewhat normal, hiring will be resumed but it would be mostly contract hiring and temporary workers, since the organizations will be continuing with remote working. HR needs to figure out a way to attract more and more such candidates who are willing to work temporarily.

Another aspect which is important is way the employees are being treated during the crisis. This can impact the image of the organization in the society. For instance, Uber laid-off huge number of employees over a short zoom call, which was very harsh on their part. Now this will create uncertainty in the minds of existing employees as well as the prospective candidates.

What HR can do in such a situation is to maintain a pool of talent, so that as and when the situation is likely they can immediately start getting the new employees onboard and push the performance of the organization.

Engaging a remote workforce

 Workforce engagement of workforce is one of the crucial roles of HR. various studies prove that a highly engaged workforce is necessary for the survival and growth of the organization. Without that, the organization will incur huge costs and will eventually fall.

In the situation of remote working, it becomes even more important for the HR to take care of the well-being of the employees. HR can devise new policies to take of the health, both mental and physical of the employees.

Certain benefits that can be considered are daily pay, subsidized loans and free access to financial education webinars to reduce the financial stress of the employees.

Also, rewarding the employees for their consistent performance even while working remotely can go a long way to keep them motivated and engaged with the entire team and leaders.


Effective use of Technology for Business Continuity

HR will need to aggressively bring in next-generation enterprise CRM and Human Capital Management solutions to facilitate the transition to the new normal. HR will need to put in place a work culture that will help restore the operational health of businesses as the lockdown is lifted. The aim will be to not only recover from this crisis but also make the organization resilient to future disruptions.

Communication and Engagement

In these times of uncertainty, HR needs to communicate transparently and frequently to ensure a smooth transition. Employees returning to work will look to HR for providing direction, motivating teams, and keep morale high. HR will need to use multiple channels of communication to synchronize the activities of employees working on different platforms and ensure communication between employees working remotely takes place regularly.

The pandemic has not just affected the economy, it has thrown into disarray the community at large and it is left to HR leaders to instill confidence in their employees and make them feel valued.

Upskilling employees for new roles

As new work norms are put in place, employees will need to learn new skills, engage in cross-training to fill lacunae in knowledge, and ensure the organization functions effectively. Apart from enhancing efficiency, this will also have the added benefit of the employee feel valued by the company.

Employee Health and Well-being

HR leaders are the custodians of talent and their priority is to focus on employees. One of the biggest contributors of stress will be the constant concern for job security. Social distancing will have to be practiced for a prolonged period leading to potential mental health issues as a result of isolation and loneliness. Physical and financial fitness too contribute to employee productivity. Earlier these were “nice to have” perks provided by “evolved” employers. But going forward comprehensive well-being programs will become a necessity to ensure high employee productivity and engagement. A company providing holistic wellness benefits can expect greater loyalty from employees.

The uptick in the Advocacy Role

HR leaders will also have to step up their advocacy role and work with the government to help put in place labor laws that support the new normal, for example, laws on layoffs, employees working from home, employees in the gig economy, etc.

As in previous disruptions, companies that evolve and adapt fast will succeed, and HR will be right there paving the way.

Counseling and collaboration - To ensure communication efforts help engagement, HR Managers must have a two-way dialogue with employees. Offering proper counseling sessions with employees to help them offload their isolation anxiety, vent their fears, or just de-stress.

Sense employees’ need for support – Employees don’t want to be viewed as faceless cogs in a larger machine—they want to be recognized for the unique value each brings to the company. This uniqueness is something employers are beginning to embrace too. HR professionals need to recognize this aspect and provide the required support and communication. To enable regular conversations between the Line managers and employees, HR should provide managers with the necessary guidance on how best to approach sensitive subjects arising post-COVID-19 pandemic, including job security, alternative work models, impact to staffing, and prospects tension in the workplace.

Reinforcing Organizational values - Work well-being has the greatest impact on feelings of psychological safety — an unpleasant employee experience can negatively impact psychological safety by up to 35%. To make matters worse, during periods of uncertainty, employee misconduct increases by as much as 33%. Apart from modeling the right behaviors, HR managers should encourage whistleblowers to call out unethical behaviors, remind staff of the channels for reporting misconduct, and highlight punitive measures for non-compliance, post-Covid.

Recognizing employee efforts - As COVID-19 generates significant disruption, and undercuts employee engagement, HR managers need to redouble their recognition initiatives & efforts. Effective recognition motivates the recipient and the same time serves as a strong signal to other employees of behaviors they should emulate. Recognition can take many forms other than monetary rewards such as public acknowledgment, tokens of appreciation, development opportunities and low-cost perks. This reinforces the organization’s commitment to the long-term success of the employee.

Driving engagement through innovation – Present unprecedented time of change and disruption demands innovation and risk-taking becoming more important for employee engagement and organizational success. The disengaging effect of constraints on innovation and risk-taking are particularly severe for high-potential (HIPO) employees who can feel demotivated. Even when the organization has constraints on new investments, HR managers need to emphasize the need and provide opportunities for process improvements or incremental innovation.

Educating and equipping the workforce - Educating and equipping the workforce with the right information on COVID-19, safety tips, nutrition information and so on are crucial and jobs for HR Professionals. The HR needs to communicate measures taken by the company during this situation. HR can create interesting posts about escalating events and topics around this issue on the activity feed.

Focus on Employee Wellness - After understanding the anxiety and stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, HR will need to put more focus on the mental health and overall wellness of the employees. Holistic benefits are a common way of introducing wellness to a company. These benefits address all aspects of well-being, including mental health and financial security. While these plans will differ in offerings, the idea is to provide employees with benefits that help improve their well-being beyond standard health coverage.

Employee upskilling - As the employee personalization trend illustrates, employees want to be appreciated on an individual level. One-way employers are showing their appreciation is through upskilling, Learning and development initiatives. Not only does this help employees feel valued, but it also helps fill knowledge gaps within the company. According to a report by Deloitte, the “inability to learn and grow” is the top reason why employees leave their companies.

Framing New Age Policies - Considering the business continuity plan to deal with such exigencies, Post COVID-19, organizations need to have system, procedure and policy in place. Organizations need to review policies on workplace flexibility, remote working & contractual staffing and should review and clarify polices around pay and benefits if an office or factory is closed or impacted.

Looking forward

While these initiatives have become the new roles of an HR Professional, all these might not necessarily work for every company. However, in a post-COVID-19 environment, where employees have had to adjust how they work, all the HR should shift towards a more human-focused approach.

An HR professional, collectively, these initiatives can go a long way to reinforce employees’ trust for the organization and improve their impressions based on how the HR professionals react or respond in the face of crisis and uncertainty.


How do the Future Organizations look like?

• Working hours, locations, and even the work arrangements to become more fluid

• Remote working to be an integral part of every organization

• The popularity of contractual jobs and freelancers to grow

• Workforce to constantly upgrade and work on capability enhancement to remain competitive

• Focus on learning and development to increase to make employees future-ready

New Normal will not be without its Challenges

Data suggests that employees are working longer hours and have experienced a significant drop in absenteeism during the crisis. Organizations feel that the employees have showcased commendable agility and resilience to adapt to the new ways of working. However, the ability to sustain this momentum poses an immediate challenge to organizations. This enthusiasm could be short-lived as job security is a driving force for most employees in the current situation. As the market sees an improvement, productivity may roll back to pre-Covid levels.

The new way of work may create a need for some new roles, render some roles redundant, or require upskilling of existing resources.

Digital is a savior in times like these when the only way to operate is in a remotely distributed environment. This crisis has presented the IT industry with an opportunity to empower businesses with technology, and further emphasized the focus on innovation to survive and thrive. It is heartening to see the commitment of our workforce during these trying times. Striking a balance at this time will be the key to effectively forge a path towards the future of work.


Thus, the new role of HR can include the following few activities, though, it can go manifolds looking at the impact of the Global Pandemic.





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